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Mediterranean Plants & Flowers


De Bougainvillea is een prachtige plant die door haar unieke form elke ruimte of tuin om tovert tot een stukje paradijs.In dit artikel gaan wij u bijna alles uit te leggen over de verzorging van de Bougainvillea.Waar u de Bougainvillea...

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Ensete ventricosum 'Maurelii' - Rode bananenplant

Ensete ventricosum 'Maurellii' - Rode bananenplant De rode bananen plant is zeer uniek en heeft prachtige rode-paars achtige bladeren, met een dikke stam. Zijn bladeren kunnen maar liefst een meter lang worden.Hij kan ook in de zomermaanden in de tuin...

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Ferocactus pilosus - Mexicaanse kalkcactus

Ferocactus pilosus - Mexican lime cactus

The Ferocactus Pilosus is a beautiful and robust cactus species with a spherical shape that grows into an impressive columnar shape over the years. This cactus originally comes from the dry plains and hilly areas of Mexico. With its deep...

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Opuntia indica - Vijgcactus/Schijfcactus

Opuntia indica - Prickly Pear Cactus/Disc Cactus

The Opuntia ficus-indica, also known as the prickly pear cactus, is a beautiful plant originally from Mexico. With its oval discs that grow upwards in an elongated manner, this cactus can grow into a large shrub of 2-3 meters high....

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Agave macroacantha

Agave macroacantha

Agaves are beautiful houseplants that originate mainly from Mexico. These plants belong to the Agavaceae family and have thick, fleshy leaves that grow directly from the base. They store water in their leaves and have sharp points, so be careful...

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Yucca gloriosa

Yucca gloriosa

The Yucca Gloriosa, commonly known as the palm lily, is a unique appearance with its medium-sized, tree-like structure and spear-shaped, blue-green leaves that mature to a dark green color. This plant, native to the southeastern United States, adds an exotic...

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Citrus aurantifolia 'Lime Verde' - Limoenboom - Biologisch

Citrus aurantifolia 'Lime Verde' - Lime tree - Organic

The Citrus aurantiifolia 'Lime Verde', also known as lime, is a beautiful and versatile plant that will make a perfect addition to your garden or balcony. With its elegant green leaves and delicate white flowers, this plant is not only...

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Cupressus sempervirens 'Stricta' - Italiaanse Cipres

Cupressus sempervirens 'Stricta' - Italian Cypress

The Italian cypress, also known as Cupressus sempervirens, is a beautiful, narrow tree that originates from Tuscany. With its slender growth and dense, dark green needle structure, this tree is a real eye-catcher in any garden. Although the Italian cypress...

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Ferocactus glaucescens

Ferocactus glaucescens

The Ferocactus Glaucescens is a beautiful ball cactus with a unique grey-blue colour. This cactus originates from Mexico, where it grows in dry forests and hilly areas. With its striking yellow spines that grow on top of the ribs, the...

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Vitis vinifera - Witte druivenstruik - Biologisch

Vitis vinifera - White grape vine - Organic

The grape, also known as the grapevine or grape bush, is a beautiful climbing plant known for its delicious fruits in bunches. With its long shoots and side shoots, the grape bush grows quickly and can reach impressive heights. Originally...

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Olijfboom - Olea Europea

Olive tree - Olea Europea

The olive tree is a popular decorative tree that is often found in Dutch gardens. It is winter-hardy. This means that it can also be outside in the winter. However, it does need some help with our cold Dutch winters,...

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Bananenplant verzorging

Banana plant care

Hardy banana plants are known for giving a beautiful tropical look to the Dutch garden or room. That is why it is attractive to purchase such a great banana plant. But what about banana plant care? In this article we...

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