A plant does a lot in an office. A cold room is transformed into an inspiring environment, and for a significant effect, not much is needed. Of course, you can make it as beautiful and as big as you want. For customization or if you would like to discuss your situation with us, please contact us.

Office Plants
Dry decoration moss grey 500 grams
Decorative moss light green 500 grams
Decorative moss in box green 2kg
Prepared Icelandic moss natural 500 grams
Prepared Icelandic moss brown beetle tint 1kg
Trachycarpus fortunei - Fan palm
Trachycarpus wagnerianus - Chinese Fan Palm
Dypsis lutescens - Areca Palm - Indoor Palm
Howea forsteriana - Kentia Palm
Cordyline australis - Green Cabbage Palm
Araucaria heterophylla - Room Den
Cortaderia selloana 'Rosea' - Pink Pampas Grass
Albizia julibrissin - Persian Silk Tree
Washingtonia robusta - Desert palm
Phoenix roebelenii - Dwarf Date Palm
Fargesia 'Jiuzhaigou' - Non-spreading Bamboo
Dicksonia antarctica - Tasmanian tree fern
Jubaea chilensis - Coconut palm
Acer palmatum 'Butterfly' - Japanese Maple
Acer palmatum 'Orange Dream' - Japanese Maple
Yucca filamentosa - Palm lily - White flower