Hydroponics is a system that makes watering easier. It involves placing a water meter in the plant combined with moisture-retaining soil filling, such as Vulcastrat. The meter indicates when the plant needs water again. When you water, it indicates when you have given enough. This system is therefore ideal for making watering easier. Therefore, take a look at our range of water meters!

The advantage of hydroponics
The advantage of hydroponics is that you need to water the plant less often. This gives the plant a longer lifespan.
Also, the soil does not acidify, and the chance of pests is very small. In short, by applying hydroponics, you can more easily provide the right amount of water and nutrition to your plant.
What do you need for hydroponics?
To get started with hydroponics you will need a few things such as.
1. Water meter
2. Hydro grains
3. Insert cover
4. Hydroponic plant
5. Hydroponic nutrition
6. Planter
The water meter
Use a water meter to check how much water is in the pot. If there is no water at the bottom of the pot, the top of the red dipstick will be at 'min'. The more water in the outer pot, the higher the red dipstick. The maximum permitted level is indicated by a line 'max'. The line 'opt' indicates the optimum water level. When watering, add water to this level. For example, if you are on holiday for 2 weeks, you can sometimes add water until the red dipstick reaches the max level. Important: Before adding water, you must lower the water level to below min. If necessary, tilt the side of the pot to see if the water meter still rises.
Vulcaponic is one of many substrates. But Vulcaponic is a substrate that we would like to recommend to you. Vulcaponic is also a very professional substrate. It is a type of grit that has a similar effect as cat litter, it absorbs water that, compared to normal potting soil, absorbs more water up to 30 cm deep. This ensures that the water does not remain at the roots. And therefore the chance of root rot is greatly reduced. It also helps the roots to obtain more oxygen so that the plant can grow better. And in general can have a better result.

Hydroponics care
Hydroponic plants also need to be potted from time to time. Only do this if there are a lot of roots growing in the inner pot. You do not need to remove the inner pot, but simply place the old inner pot in the new larger inner pot. This way the roots can continue to grow and the hydroponics can finish the job. When buying plants, read the maintenance tips carefully. Follow the instructions carefully.

Which Plants are Suitable
Not all plants are suitable for hydroponics. Hydroponic plants stand with their roots in the water, they are specially grown for this. That is why not all plants are suitable for hydroponics. But if you still want to use hydroponics for your plant. We advise you to Vulcaponic this is a new development of hydroponics.
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