The wide range of plants and trees can be quite confusing. Or perhaps you would prefer a clear overview of the different types of plants and their properties, so that you can make a good choice for your garden or room. In this guide we will guide you through the many different types of palm trees and Mediterranean plants.

The different types of Mediterranean plants

Teeninga Palmen is the online tropical garden centre. Tropical for us actually means that we specialise in Mediterranean plants. These are the Mediterranean areas where plants grow that we normally do not encounter in the Netherlands. However, it turns out that a number of species can survive in our climate. We have selected these species for our range, so that we have become suppliers of extra special plants for the Netherlands, and also abroad.

The different types of plants that we have selected are explained in detail in this chapter, so that you get a good impression of what is available.

Banana plants

Banana plants give a real jungle look to a garden or room. They consist mainly of water, and generally grow very quickly. Characteristic of their appearance is not only that they may get bananas, but they are especially known for their very large leaves, which look really tropical. There are different types suitable for our climate, or possibly for in the room when it really gets too cold. These types include the , the Lotus banana, the Da Jiao 'Bakbanaan', the Maurelli and the Dwarf cavendish.


Yuccas have a very special appearance. They are actually desert plants, and therefore do not need a lot of moisture. They are slow growers, but are evergreen, also during the winters. When they are young, they do not have a trunk, but they are long thin leaves that come from the middle of the root ball. As they get older, they form a trunk.


Cycasses are a type of primeval tree. This type has been around for a very long time, and resemble palm trees. But officially they are not palm trees. We only supply 1 type of cycas: the , also known as the peace palm. This type does not do well in the winter, and it is recommended to bring it inside before it freezes too much. They have a trunk and from it leaf stalks come in a circle, with small long thin sturdy leaves on each stem.

Olive trees

Olive trees are almost indispensable in the Mediterranean garden. The older trees get characteristic crooked trunks, like from a fairy tale. They produce olives that can be eaten after a preserving process or used to make olive oil.

Fig trees - Ficus carica

Fig trees look nice, but the best part is that they produce real tasty edible figs. Full of vitamins and minerals, and sweet in taste, they are a really nice addition to a Mediterranean garden, or even just in a regular Dutch garden. Putting them inside is also no problem.


Bamboo is a special addition to your garden. Bamboo often grows very quickly. It is just like a weed, because it needs little care and is very strong. Hard thin long hollow stems often with a yellow, brown, red, or black color give a real Mediterranean look to the garden. Bamboo comes in 2 types: spreading and non-spreading. Spreading is really just like a weed, it multiplies quickly and can take over entire areas when unlimited. So make sure you know which type you want!

Flowering plants

There are several types of Mediterranean flowering plants that we offer. They have a special appearance. Types that we offer are: Strelitzia nicolai/reginae, also known as the bird of paradise flower. This gets very special flower heads (shown in the picture). And also beautiful types: Nerium oleander, (evergreen climber that gets very special flowers) and the .

Hardy palm trees

We supply all kinds of palm trees that can endure our Dutch winters in the garden. That is good news, because then you can simply bring Hawaii into your backyard! For example, palm trees by the Jacuzzi or by the swimming pool. These palm trees simply look like they come from the tropics, but then possibly with a layer of snow on them. We supply these palm trees in sizes from 10cm to more than 10 meters high! Some palm trees also get fruit, such as the , which gets real tasty edible dates. And for example the Jubaea chilensis gets real 'palm wine', a drinkable juice that is very popular.

Tropical palm trees

If you have a heated space, then your possibilities of palm trees increase. We also supply many types of tropical palm trees that cannot tolerate the winters in the Netherlands. This makes it possible to decorate your space wonderfully with real palms from the jungle.

Our types of banana plants

The most popular banana plant species can be found in our assortment: the (Japanese fiber banana), the Ventricosum 'Maurelli' (Red banana plant, which does not get bananas), the Chinese lotus banana (which gets a very beautiful flower), the Musa 'Da Jiao' (get edible plantains), and the Musa Dwarf cavendish (small banana plant). We tell you about these species what they look like, what they can tolerate and some general tips.

Musa basjoo (Japanese fiber banana)

The is the most popular banana plant and that mainly for 2 reasons: it grows very fast, and it is the hardiest and strongest banana plant. With little care it tolerates our climate. The grows into a very large banana plant that can give a beautiful jungle look to a garden. In the Netherlands it does not happen very often, but the can get bunches of small edible bananas.

We advise cutting the leaves in the winter, because the leaves cannot tolerate the cold wind. They will eventually die anyway. This way the plant saves the energy that would otherwise go to the leaves, and it stays strong. The leaves can tolerate up to -7C perceived temperature, but the roots can tolerate much higher freezing temperatures, down to -18C.

Ensete ventricosum 'Maurellii' (Red banana plant)

This banana plant is less hardy, and does not produce bananas, but it is still very unique and has beautiful red, purple leaves, with a thick stem. Its leaves can grow to a meter long.

It can also be kept in the garden during the summer months and is truly a feast for the eyes. It grows as fast as a and in the Dutch garden usually reaches 200-300 cm high (in a tub).

What is very special about the red banana plant is that it starts to flower after 3 years, and then it gets burgundy-red flowers at the top.

We advise, as with the , to cut the leaves off at the stem in winter to maintain its strength. The Maurelli with its leaves can hardly tolerate frost and the roots can tolerate down to -7C. It is wise, if they are in a tub, to bring them inside in winter.

Musella lasiocarpa (Chinese Lotus Banana)

The Musella lasiocarpa (Chinese lotus banana) is a beautiful plant that remains relatively small. But that pales in comparison when it shows its beautiful yellow flower, which can reach a diameter of 20 cm! This flower transforms your jungle garden into a real piece of tropical paradise. As soon as the lotus flower blooms, it spreads a wonderful scent that butterflies love. So it not only provides the tropical look, but also ensures that your garden is full of butterflies in the summer months.

With this banana plant we do not recommend cutting the leaves, but to let it hibernate indoors during the winter. Otherwise the leaves can freeze and have to grow again all year, and then it will not get the beautiful flower either.

Musa 'Da Jiao' (Plantbanana)

Musa Dajiao is a special kind of banana. Also called the plantain, it is a cross between the Musa sikkimensis and Musa balbisiana.
This also means that it can tolerate a few degrees of frost.
This banana grows very fast and you don't have to wait long for a big banana. The bottom of the banana leaf is covered with a white haze.

This type of banana has wider leaves and they are also sturdier than, for example, the , which means that they are less likely to blow away.
It originates from China, where it is currently widely cultivated for its fruit, the plantain.

We recommend that you overwinter the Musa Da jiao in a frost-free place, or that you protect it very well if you have it in the open ground.

Musa acuminata 'Dwarf Cavendish' (Dwarf Banana)

This is the most common banana plant. It is really a top banana plant that does not grow very big in the living room.

It is also common in the tropics and subtropics. There it grows very large and also produces bananas. In our Dutch living room, however, this is not always the case.

Nevertheless, the Musa acuminata Dwarf Cavendish is a tropical beauty in any living room.

It comes from Southeast Asia and Australia. In Indonesia, the leaves are often used as a plate to store food. This gives the food a better taste.

The leaves are also used in the tropics and often in Africa as roof covering.

Please note: this plant is not suitable for the garden unless the temperature is at least 5 degrees Celsius day and night!

Our Yucca varieties

We have the most popular Yucca species that are hardy and remain beautiful in our questionable climate: the , the and the Yucca filifera and the Yucca carnerosiana. In this chapter you will find explanations for each of these.

Yucca rostrata

The is the most popular Yucca because it has a unique shape that you can find in the desert, and it is very hardy, and needs little care. On the other hand, it is also a slow grower.

You can simply cut dry tips diagonally. It can simply stand outside in the winter because it can withstand cold down to -20C! The maximum height it can grow is 4 metres.

Yucca filifera

This Yucca grows faster than the rostrata, and also has a particularly beautiful appearance. It is winter hardy to -13C. It also does not need much moisture, so if you sometimes forget to water it, this may be suitable for you. It should be protected during the cold periods of winter.

Yucca carnerosiana

The Yucca carnerosana is a very unique rare yucca tree species native to Texas and Northern Mexico. In its natural habitat it can grow up to 4.5 meters tall.

This fantastic looking decorative plant is winter hardy to -12 degrees. It will definitely be an eye-catcher in your garden!

It is very strong when planted out in the garden.

Yucca filamentosa

The comes in a few different varieties such as 'Bright Edge' and 'Color Guard'. Each variety has its own coloration. The filamentosa is completely hardy (to -30C!). This is a special flowering Yucca and it keeps its flowers extra long.

Olive trees

Olive trees give a real Mediterranean atmosphere to your garden. We have a wide range of this type and give you an impression per type.

Mini trees

Olive trees are real beauties from the smallest sizes, for example for a mantelpiece or the windowsill. Be careful that they cannot really handle the winters outside, because they are so young. These come in a decorative pot.

Young trees with slender trunks

These trees have a slender appearance with a beautiful dense crown. They dress up any environment beautifully. They also fit very nicely in a decorative pot.

Tall slender olive tree

These olive trees have grown tall but still have a slender trunk. They fit nicely in a garden.

Olive tree with thicker trunk formation

This olive tree is a bit older than the slender olive trees, but is not necessarily taller. This one has a somewhat larger canopy and they are much stronger than their slender brother.

'Old wood' olive trees

These 'old wood' trees are often older than we are! They have a characteristic crooked trunk and a large canopy. They are really beautiful trees for the garden, or possibly also for a large space.

Fairy tale olive trees

These olive trees are hundreds of years old, sometimes even a thousand! The trunks of these trees are even bigger and more crooked, and the canopy is even bigger. With a long life experience, they have a very big survival capacity. These do not die easily!

Heavily branched fairytale trees

These are truly the Rolls Royces of olive trees. With over a thousand years of experience and a very special growth form, you will get something truly unique in your garden.

Old olive trees 'Pon Pon'

These trees come with varying thicknesses of trunks, and they can have grown very tall. What is so special about these trees is how they are pruned into shape. They all have loose crowns of leaves pruned into a round shape. This gives them a fabulous appearance that fits very nicely with a theme or large events such as amusement parks.

Bamboo species

We offer a wide selection of bamboo species, both spreading and non-spreading. In this chapter you will get an impression of each species.

Fargesia 'Rufa' (Non-spreading)

This non-spreading bamboo species has grey/yellow stems and is beautifully green and full of leaves.

Fargesia 'Jiuzhaigou' (Non-spreading)

This bamboo also stays green in winter, and is very hardy. The height remains below 300 cm and it has small graceful leaves that are fresh green in color.

Fargesia nitida 'Black Pearl' (Non-spreading)

This bamboo owes its name to the stems that color dark purple to almost black, which creates a beautiful contrast between the stems and the leaves. It grows somewhat wider, suitable as a solitary or for a loose hedge and can grow up to 250 cm high.

Fargesia nitida 'Winterjoy' (Non-spreading)

The Fargesia nitida 'Winterjoy' is a beautiful evergreen bamboo plant. With its striking dark stems and fresh green leaves it is a real eye-catcher for your garden.

It is a non-spreading species that is very suitable for planting in the Netherlands. This is especially true because our Winterjoys are grown in the Netherlands and can therefore withstand really severe frost!

It is also very suitable for planting as a hedge because it is non-spreading and does not grow higher than 350-400 cm.

Fargesia nitida 'Vulcano' (Non-spreading)

The Fargesia nitida 'Vulcano' is a non-spreading bamboo that does not grow too high. It is a beautiful fully hardy bamboo. The bamboo gets beautiful green/black colored stems. It is a fast grower but does not spread. The stems bend slightly, creating a fountain-like shape. This makes it look very graceful.

Pleioblastus variegatus (Dwarf Bamboo, Non-spreading)

The Pleioblastus fortunei variegatus is a low-growing bamboo species that does not grow higher than 50-80 cm, and is therefore also called dwarf bamboo.

With a beautiful white/green leaf color and green stems, it provides a beautiful tropical shade in your garden or balcony. It can also be used as a dense planting. It grows reasonably quickly and is very winter-hardy, up to -20 degrees!

Phyllostachys aureosulcata 'Spectabilis' (Yellow Bamboo, Non-spreading)

This beautiful yellow bamboo species is truly a sight in itself, and turns your garden into a real jungle. With its breathtaking yellow trunks it is actually a work of art.

The Phyllostachys aureosulcata gets yellow stems that turn reddish in the sun.
It is a type of bamboo that grows in a forest, so it can also be used as a hedge plant.

It can also be kept in a tub for example for a living bamboo fence. It is very winter hardy.

Our range of flowering Mediterranean plants

We have a wide range of Mediterranean flowering plants that are very special. It is a wide selection of both houseplants and plants that can be in the garden in winter. In this chapter we give an impression of each type.

Strelitzia nicolai/reginae

This is a very special flowering houseplant. It has sturdy green leaves that stay green all year round. But the most special thing about this plant is the flower it gets. A young Strelitzia does not get this flower so quickly, it takes a few years! But a mature plant gets it, and it is a really special flower, named after what it looks like: the bird of paradise (flower).

It can also be placed in the garden during the spring and summer months and can remain outside at temperatures up to +6 degrees.

The reginae and nicolai differ in the shape of the leaves they get. The leaves look very much like those of a banana plant, only they are a bit stiffer.

Heliconia 'Hawaii'

This beautiful tropical plant with its beautiful flower looks like a cross between the Indian reed palm, bird of paradise flower and the banana plant. It provides a tropical atmosphere in your home or garden!

It is a very tropical plant that can only be kept outside during the summer months and likes a slightly higher humidity.
The Heliconia looks a lot like a banana plant and is super unique. It grows fairly quickly and has flowers all year round.
He does like some water, especially in warmer periods.

This plant likes a warm spot and can't stand the cold. So put it outside in the afternoon in the summer, but bring it back in the evening when it gets colder than 10C.

Canna indica (Tropical flower cane)

The Canna is a beautiful tropical plant that looks a lot like the red banana plant. When it comes into bloom it shows a lush splendor of flowers. This plant, blooming in the summer and late summer, loves a lot of sun.

In the ground or in a pot, this plant grows to about 80cm high. You don't need green fingers to have this plant; it is practically for everyone, provided it gets fresh water every few days.

Spathiphyllum (Spring Lily)

This plant is known for its very special flower formation, and for being one of the strongest types of houseplants. The flower of this plant looks a lot like a spoon. Furthermore, it has very beautiful dark green leaves. And it gets new flowers all year round. It is necessary to remove faded leaves, by simply pulling them out. As soon as you do that, new flowers will come out again. This plant is an air purifier and purifies the room in which it is located of harmful substances.

Nerium oleander

Oleanders come in a variety of colours including pink, red and white. Some with beautiful double flowers and with filled flowers.

Oleanders are native to the Mediterranean region as far as Japan.

They are moderately to not winter hardy, so they need to be brought indoors during cold periods, despite what other places tell us they are winter hardy!

Oleanders prefer a spot in full sun, but can also grow in a semi-shaded spot.

Syringa vulgaris 'Sensation' (Lilac)

This is a completely hardy flowering plant that produces a profusion of flowers.

Brugmansia (Angel's Trumpet)

This unique plant can be placed on your terrace to create a beautiful atmosphere. The Angel's Trumpet is not winter-hardy and likes to overwinter indoors in a cool and light place.

The Angel's Trumpet needs quite a bit of water and should never be left dry for too long.

The Angel Trumpet comes in different colors.

Albizia julibrissin (Persian silk tree)

This will grow into a tree and will have very beautiful flowers. The leaves fold in the evening when it gets darker for protection. It comes in different colours.

Lonicera henryi (Honeysuckle)

This flowering shrub species gets flowers with a sweet-tasting nectar. The flowers of this shrub are very graceful and colorful.

Our selection of hardy palm trees

In this chapter we give a main selection of the best known palm tree species that are cultivated, and a selection of these with a brief explanation.

Of the 4000 known species of palm trees, there is a smaller selection that is cultivated by man. These are of special interest because of their strength, their tolerance of temperature, their appearance, their fruit, and the useful properties they have.

Trachycarpus fortunei - Fan palm

This very well known palm tree is native to the Himalayas from northern India to northern Thailand and China, and can be found in temperate and sub-tropical climates throughout the world.

This palm tree is so well known because it also thrives in the Netherlands due to its strength, and can therefore often be found in our gardens.

The fortunei is a beautiful plant, gives a truly tropical look to any environment, and produces yellow seed clusters.

This is our best selling palm tree, and for good reason!

Phoenix canariensis - Canary Island Date Palm

It comes from the Canary Islands and is extremely popular because smaller specimens are available there for low prices, and it looks special, while it can tolerate temperatures of up to 6 degrees Celsius.

Eventually this palm gets a thick trunk, and it can grow very tall. A mature one looks very impressive, and is often used at tourist sites to make an environment impressive. The dates that come from the larger specimens are edible and deliciously sweet.

Chamaerops humilis - European dwarf palm

It is native to the mountains from Morocco to Spain to France to eastern Turkey.

The humilis is a very graceful palm, which does not grow very large in the Netherlands. It dresses up every garden in which it is placed very beautifully and gracefully. It is a reasonably fast-growing palm, although it has a limitation in how large it can grow in our climate. This palm is certainly recommended for the Dutch garden, especially in a pot if you can put the pot inside in a shed on the coldest winter days. It can withstand temperatures down to -13 degrees.

Chamaerops humilis Vulcano - European dwarf palm Vulcano

This palm belongs to the same family as the , however, it has more compact, stiffer leaves, and is therefore more resistant to wind. It also remains smaller than its bigger brother. This is a slower grower.

Brahea armata - Mexican Blue Fan Palm

The Brahea armata is native to several areas: Mexico, California and Sonora.

This is a palm with beautiful silver-blue leaves that are deeply cut. Once in bloom, countless cream-colored flowers hang down from meter-long branches. This is a spectacular sight.

This palm grows quite slowly, but flowers at a young age. A large Brahea can tolerate up to 5 degrees of frost in the open ground in the winter. When it is drier, it can tolerate more cold.

Phoenix dactylifera - Date palm

Originally from South Africa, this is the oldest known cultivated palm: the . It produces really delicious edible dates and is also special to look at with its thick trunk.

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