The Plumeria Rubra Divine - Temple Tree - Frangipani likes a sip of water
The Plumeria, like most plants, has a specific need for water. During the growing season, from May to the end of September, the plant can receive sufficient water, as long as the soil does not remain moist for too long. It is important to let the soil dry out thoroughly before watering again, to prevent root rot. During the rest period, mainly in winter, the plant needs little water and you can even let the soil dry out completely before watering again. When in doubt, it is always better to give too little water than too much. Good water care is essential for a healthy and flowering Plumeria.
During the summer it is very important that this plant, when it is outside, is kept well moist. Especially during the warm days it should be watered every day, so that the root ball is well moist. On the less warm days this can sometimes be skipped for a few days. This is so important because otherwise the plant 'drinks' moisture from its leaves, causing it to become dry and eventually die. This should of course be prevented.
When winter is approaching, the rules are reversed! If the Rubra Divine - - is outside, it must remain dry so that the moisture does not freeze and damage the plant. The Rubra Divine - - does not suffer from a dry root ball during this period, it is in a kind of hibernation!
When the plant is kept indoors during the winter it should be kept slightly moist, so not soaking wet (as in summer), but just so that the root ball feels slightly damp.
General rules
In addition to the above guidelines, it is best to follow these rules:
First, give the plant a little water. If the soil is dry within 2 days, it means it needs a little more water. Adjust the amount of water until it still feels slightly moist between 2 and 5 days after watering, and almost dry after 5 days. If it feels very wet after 5 days, wait until it is almost dry and water again, but reduce the amount.

We recommend that you spray the Rubra Divine - - with water weekly. However, we do not recommend this during hot summer days, so that you do it either in the evening after sunset, or on days when the sun shines little, because the water droplets bundle the incoming sunlight into small points that become very hot. These cause the leaves to become dry, or even burn through.
Apart from the adverse effect of bright sunlight on wet leaves, misting has beneficial effects for your Rubra Divine - - . Namely, it removes dust from the leaves, allowing them to better absorb sunlight and appear more beautiful, and it prevents certain types of pests.

Where is the best place to place the Plumeria Rubra Divine - Temple Tree - Frangipani?
The Plumeria thrives best in a sunny spot with sufficient light. This tropical plant likes warm temperatures and high humidity, which makes it ideal for placement in a greenhouse or conservatory. In the summer, the plant can also be placed outside in a spot with sufficient sunlight, but be careful of direct sunlight to prevent burning. During the winter months, it is important to bring the plant inside to a spot with a constant temperature above +10°C. By ensuring good drainage of the potting soil and regular watering, you create the perfect environment for the Plumeria to grow and bloom.
The Rubra Divine - - is a plant that likes a fair amount of sunlight. It likes to be in full sun or half shade, taking in all the light. Is it indoors? Then it wants a spot near a window or where light comes in. The Rubra Divine - - requires at least 1 to 3 hours of direct sunlight per day
Make sure that the Rubra Divine - - experiences as little wind as possible. Wind can damage the leaves, causing them to die off more quickly. A little wind is no problem.
Temperature requirements
Minimum temperature during the day: 10 ℃
At night at least 10 ℃

Repotting, why and when?
Repotting the plumeria is best done when the plant has outgrown its current pot. A good indication of this is when the roots of the plant have completely penetrated the pot. You can check this by carefully removing the plant from the pot and looking at the root structure. Repotting may also be necessary if the growth of the plant stagnates or if the potting soil becomes too compact. It is advisable to repot the plant in the spring, so that it has enough time to get used to its new environment and has enough strength to grow and bloom. Use a permeable and pH-neutral potting soil for optimal growth.
General rules
When the Rubra Divine - - has rooted (often every 2-3 years) we recommend repotting it in the spring. If it is always inside, it does not matter. If it is outside, it is not a problem to repot it in the summer, but we advise against it in the fall and winter, because it does not grow and root optimally then. This can make it somewhat weak, and possibly suffer damage from frost.
When you decide to repot your Rubra Divine - -, choose a nice pot that is twice the size of the root ball. Place a layer of hydro grains at the bottom of the new pot, for better moisture control. It will thank you for that. Fill this layer with some Mediterranean potting soil. This type of soil ensures that the Rubra Divine - - roots optimally and is fed. Then you can place the root ball on the ground. Make sure that the top of the root ball is slightly below the edge of the pot. Aim for a difference of 2 to 6 cm. This difference ensures that the water does not run off the root ball when you water it.
Every year you should replace the top layer of soil, because it hardens and 'wears out' in nutrients, due to regular watering and because of the sunlight on the upper edge of the root ball.

Provide the Plumeria Rubra Divine - Temple Tree - Frangipani with good nutrition
The Plumeria needs nutrition during the growth period to have enough energy to develop flowers. It is advisable to start with a fertilizer with a lot of nitrogen in the spring, followed by a fertilizer with a high phosphorus content during the growth season. These fertilizers stimulate the plant to develop many new flower branches, resulting in an abundance of beautiful flowers.
It is important to follow the recommended amount of fertilizer and to apply it approximately once every two weeks. Stop giving extra plant food when autumn arrives and the plant starts to lose its leaves. This way, the Plumeria gets the right nutrients at the right time, which contributes to healthy growth and flowering of the plant. Also, do not forget to stop giving the plant fertilizer during the winter period and to let it overwinter frost-free at a temperature above +10ºC.

Diseases and pests
The Plumeria, is a beautiful and versatile plant that unfortunately can also be susceptible to various diseases and pests. It is important to know how to recognize and treat these health problems to keep your plant healthy and in full bloom.
A common problem with Plumeria is leaf loss. This can be caused by a number of factors, such as overwatering, insufficient nutrients, or incorrect temperatures. It is important to identify the cause of leaf loss and address it to prevent further damage to the plant. Make sure to check the plant for signs of stress, such as discolored leaves or drooping branches.
Another common problem with Plumeria is root rot. This usually occurs when the plant is overwatered and the roots are not allowed to dry out properly. To prevent root rot, it is important to plant the plant in well-draining soil and ensure that the pot has good drainage. If you notice that the roots of the plant are soft and brown, you may need to prune them and repot the plant in fresh soil.
The Plumeria can also be affected by various pests, such as aphids, spider mites and whiteflies. These pests feed on the plant’s juices and can damage the leaves and flowers. To combat pests, you can regularly inspect the plant for signs of pests and treat it with insecticides or natural predators such as ladybugs if necessary.
Another common problem with Plumeria is fungal diseases, such as sooty mold and mildew. These diseases thrive in humid conditions and can affect the leaves and flowers of the plant. To prevent fungal diseases, it is important to ventilate the plant well and make sure that the leaves do not get too wet. If you notice that the plant is infected, you can treat it with fungicides to kill the fungus.
It is important to regularly check the health of your Plumeria plant and take action quickly if you notice any problems. With the right care and attention, your Plumeria plant can remain healthy and blooming for years. By intervening in time in the event of diseases and pests, you can ensure that your plant can grow and bloom optimally and that you can enjoy it for many years to come.

How can I propagate the Plumeria Rubra Divine - Temple Tree - Frangipani?
The Plumeria can be propagated by cuttings or by seed. The best time to propagate the plant is in spring or summer, by cutting off a healthy branch of about 30 cm and placing it in moist potting soil. Make sure the cutting is in a warm and light place, and keep the soil moist. Over time the cutting will develop roots and grow into a new plant. Sowing seeds can take place throughout the year, with the seeds being planted in moist potting soil and kept in a warm place. With the right care and attention, propagating the Plumeria is a great way to get more of this beautiful plant.
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